Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Everyone is now here with me in purgatory! I'm so glad to be with my Hamlet again, but all of us are avoiding Claudius. He is the reason we are all here, and none of us are too happy about it. It's crazy that the queen, king, my brother, and Hamlet all died within, like, 5 minutes! I knew that the plan was to kill Hamlet, and it obviously worked, but also backfired on everyone else.

Now, Fortinbras is taking over our country, and none of us are alive to do anything about it. Of course, he probably deserves it because there is no one else left alive that could take over.

My Funeral

I was upset to see only three, well really five people showed up to my funeral. I was even more upset when Laertes jumped in my grave crying. Then I was devastated when Hamlet came out of hiding and jumped in my grave, too. I feel so bad now that I know that Hamlet really did love me. I wish he would have just told me how he felt before I died, then maybe I would be alive to see him.....

Monday, November 2, 2009

New Point of View

Now that I am dead, I can watch everyone and they don't even know I'm there! My father, King Hamlet and I are all together and it's wonderful. The only problem is I can't really talk to Hamlet anymore. I know he is grieving for me, but the King and my brother have a plan to kill him. Then he will be with me again!

Friday, October 30, 2009

They carried him uncovered in the coffin.
Hey nonny, nonny nonny, hey nonny.
Tears poured down over his grave.
Goodbye, my dear.

Look at my flowers, Laertes. Rosemary is for remembering. Pansies are for thoughts. These are for you, Queen Gertrude: fennel and columbines. They symbolize adultery. And these for you, your majesty: rue. They symbolize repentance. We can call it the Sunday flower, but you will wear it for different reasons. Daisies are for unhappy love. I had some violets, which mean faithfullness, but they all dried up when my father died.

Won't he come again?
Won't he come again?
No, he is dead.
Go to your deathbed.
He will never come again,
He is gone, gone.
God have mercy on his soul.
Goodbye, God be with you!
La la la la la!
My father is gone, my father is gone.
Please, all of you listen to my song!
He is buried and covered with flowers.

Tomorrow is Valentine's day,
And I will be waiting below your window
For you to ask me to be yours.
Then I will come up to your room
And when I leave I will no longer be a virgin!

Bear with me, my song is almost over.

By the name of Jesus, my goodness it is a shame,
Young men will do it if they get a chance.
Oh my! They are very bad.
She said, "Before you got me into bed,
You promised to marry me,"
He answers, "I would have married you,
If you hadn't gone to bed with me."

I hope everything will be alright, but I can't help but cry every time I think about my father being in the ground. My brother will have to know about this. Thanks for the advice, now goodnight everyone!

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Play

Hamlet decided to have some actors come and perform a play. At first I thought it was a great idea, but soon I realized it was not. They play started and Hamlet came to sit with me, yelling loudly about our relationship. I was embarrassed because everyone was looking at us! I was shocked he would even mention things like that in public. The play started and I was relieved... or at least I thought I was relieved. Everyone in the room grew quiet in order to enjoy the production, but we were all immediately shocked when we realized the plot. It seemed very similar to the situation King Claudius and my mother are in. Then near the end the actors were talking about the king killing the old king just to take his position...

Now everyone thinks King Claudius killed King Hamlet!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Why did Hamlet have to break my heart? He wrote me letters and told me he he loved me, and now he takes it all back! Why would he tell me to go to a nunnery? Why was he yelling at me and telling me that I would never marry? Is it because he thinks I am unclean and not worthy of any man? I have never been this sad in my life.